As the name suggests, the training focus is on increasing participation and engagement amongst adult men in the workplace on emotional intelligence and gender equality. We cannot address gender inequality without addressing men's role in upholding the current systems and social practices. The training is, however, important for everyone in the modern workplace so that men and women can address the key issues.
The gender employment gap in the EU is 11.6% on average*. Even more concerning is the 32.1% of women working part-time at risk of poverty or social exclusion (in contrast to 8.9% of men) (EC, 2019). Closing this gender equality gap could lead to 10.5 million additional jobs by 2050 (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2019). In addition, greater gender equality in education can also affect gender equality in employment.
The course will focus on identity and nomenclature, address the five key areas of emotional intelligence before addressing how this impacts on gender equality in the modern workplace. The training is interactive, allowing participants to share their thoughts and experiences as part of shaping the organisational culture going forward. This will include aspects of behavioural science and change management.